About Me

Hi everyone!

Iā€™m an Arab-Canadian Female (she/her), living in Ottawa, Canada. In addition to being a SBW certified practitioner I am a retired doctor. Ever since I was a kid I always wanted to be of service to the community, to help others, guide them into healing themselves. So I became a doctor, it was nice but something was missing. I noticed how repressed emotions and generational trauma can manifest in the body as physical symptoms.

I observed in others and also noticed it happening to me too! Experiencing trauma, physical abuse, living in a war zone, starting my life from scratch more than once, and constantly hustling, it was affecting me. By suppressing the stress, the emotions, and the burnout I suffered from prolonged fatigue, having severe mood swings, unexplained physical pain and symptoms in my body.

As I went on my own healing journey, somatic breathwork was something I connected with. Just by using the breath I can regulate my nervous system. The physiological process along with the spiritual side of it made me love it even more. I was able to honour my body by giving myself the space and time to feel my emotions, really feel them, to grieve, to cry, to yell, even to laugh. I noticed the shift in me. This is when I decided that I wanted to become a somatic breathwork practitioner.

Providing a safe space is crucial; without judgement, without the stigma. I am here to just bear witness to the beauty of expression, and how by expressing and processing whatever may come up you allow the body to heal itself.

I am deeply honoured to hold space for you as you express yourself, feel safe to BE who you are and trust your body to heal itself again.



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